I. Falun Dafa 9-Session Meditation Workshop
Language: English
Time: Starts on the 2nd Monday of each month, with approximately 2 hours in each session, for 9 sessions in 9 days in succession
Mon-Sat: 6 pm - 8 pm
Sun: 9:30 am – 11:30 am
Tuition: Free
Registration: Required five business days in advance
Call +33 07 82 47 05 64, or Email to: Tianti.Fr@gmail.com.
1. You will get your registration card upon registration in person.
2. Full nine-session attendance is mandatory.
3. Being late three times or being absent of any day results in officially dropping the class.
II. Falun Dafa Introductory Class
1) All new students should read the main book Zhuan Falun or the entry book Falun Gong whether they take classes or not.
2) The key to effective learning is to finish reading the book from cover to cover with the least interruptions in the shortest time possible. Along with the reading, it is best to learn the five meditative exercises as well.